1 module workspaced.com.snippets.control_flow;
3 import workspaced.api;
4 import workspaced.com.snippets;
6 import std.algorithm;
7 import std.conv;
8 import std.string;
10 class ControlFlowSnippetProvider : SnippetProvider
11 {
12 	Future!(Snippet[]) provideSnippets(scope const WorkspaceD.Instance instance,
13 			scope const(char)[] file, scope const(char)[] code, int position, const SnippetInfo info)
14 	{
15 		Snippet[] res;
17 		SnippetLevel lastBreakable = info.findInLocalScope(SnippetLevel.loop, SnippetLevel.switch_);
19 		if (lastBreakable != SnippetLevel.init)
20 		{
21 			bool isSwitch = lastBreakable == SnippetLevel.switch_;
23 			{
24 				Snippet snp;
25 				snp.providerId = typeid(this).name;
26 				snp.id = snp.title = snp.shortcut = "break";
27 				snp.plain = snp.snippet = "break;";
28 				snp.documentation = isSwitch
29 					? "break out of the current switch"
30 					: "break out of this loop";
31 				snp.resolved = true;
32 				snp.unformatted = true;
33 				res ~= snp;
34 			}
36 			if (isSwitch)
37 			{
38 				{
39 					Snippet snp;
40 					snp.providerId = typeid(this).name;
41 					snp.id = snp.title = snp.shortcut = "goto case";
42 					snp.plain = snp.snippet = "goto case;";
43 					snp.documentation = "Explicit fall-through into the next case or to case with explicitly given value.\n\nReference: https://dlang.org/spec/statement.html#goto-statement";
44 					snp.resolved = true;
45 					snp.unformatted = true;
46 					res ~= snp;
47 				}
48 				{
49 					Snippet snp;
50 					snp.providerId = typeid(this).name;
51 					snp.id = snp.title = snp.shortcut = "goto default";
52 					snp.plain = snp.snippet = "goto default;";
53 					snp.documentation = "Go to default case.\n\nReference: https://dlang.org/spec/statement.html#goto-statement";
54 					snp.resolved = true;
55 					snp.unformatted = true;
56 					res ~= snp;
57 				}
58 				{
59 					Snippet snp;
60 					snp.providerId = typeid(this).name;
61 					snp.id = snp.title = snp.shortcut = "case";
62 					snp.snippet = "case ${1}:\n\t$0\n\tbreak;";
63 					snp.documentation = "Defines a case in the current switch-case.\n\nReference: https://dlang.org/spec/statement.html#switch-statement";
64 					snp.resolved = true;
65 					snp.unformatted = true;
66 					res ~= snp;
67 				}
68 				{
69 					Snippet snp;
70 					snp.providerId = typeid(this).name;
71 					snp.id = snp.title = snp.shortcut = "case range";
72 					snp.snippet = "case ${1}: .. case ${2}:\n\t$0\n\tbreak;";
73 					snp.documentation = "Defines a range of cases in the current switch-case, with inclusive start and end.\n\nReference: https://dlang.org/spec/statement.html#switch-statement";
74 					snp.resolved = true;
75 					snp.unformatted = true;
76 					res ~= snp;
77 				}
78 				{
79 					Snippet snp;
80 					snp.providerId = typeid(this).name;
81 					snp.id = snp.title = snp.shortcut = "default";
82 					snp.snippet = "case:\n\t$0\n\tbreak;";
83 					snp.documentation = "Defines the default case in the current switch-case.\n\nReference: https://dlang.org/spec/statement.html#switch-statement";
84 					snp.resolved = true;
85 					snp.unformatted = true;
86 					res ~= snp;
87 				}
88 			}
89 			else
90 			{
91 				{
92 					Snippet snp;
93 					snp.providerId = typeid(this).name;
94 					snp.id = snp.title = snp.shortcut = "continue";
95 					snp.plain = snp.snippet = "continue;";
96 					snp.documentation = "Continue with next iteration";
97 					snp.resolved = true;
98 					snp.unformatted = true;
99 					res ~= snp;
100 				}
101 			}
102 		}
104 		return typeof(return).fromResult(res.length ? res : null);
105 	}
107 	Future!Snippet resolveSnippet(scope const WorkspaceD.Instance instance,
108 			scope const(char)[] file, scope const(char)[] code, int position,
109 			const SnippetInfo info, Snippet snippet)
110 	{
111 		return typeof(return).fromResult(snippet);
112 	}
113 }