1 module served.utils.progress;
3 import std.format;
4 import core.time : MonoTime;
6 import served.types;
8 /// Documents a progress type should have progress attached
9 private enum withProgress;
11 /// Documents a progress type can possibly have some progress attached
12 private enum optionalProgress;
14 /// The types to report
15 enum ProgressType
16 {
17 	/// default invalid/ignored value
18 	unknown,
19 	/// sent when serve-d is first registering all workspace-d components. Sent on first configLoad.
20 	globalStartup,
21 	/// sent before each workspace that is going to be loaded. Sent for every workspace.
22 	/// sent with workspaceUri argument
23 	@optionalProgress configLoad,
24 	/// sent when all workspaces have been loaded. Sent when everything is initialized.
25 	configFinish,
26 	/// sent for each root of a workspace on startup. Sent for every configLoad for all roots.
27 	/// sent with root.uri argument
28 	///
29 	/// With current lazy implementation this is instantly done
30 	@withProgress workspaceStartup,
31 	/// sent for every auto completion server starting up. Sent after all workspaceStartups for a workspace.
32 	/// sent with root.uri argument
33 	///
34 	/// With current lazy implementation this is instantly done
35 	@withProgress completionStartup,
36 	/// sent when dub is being reloaded
37 	/// sent with instance.uri argument
38 	@withProgress dubReload,
39 	/// sent when the import paths are being indexed
40 	/// sent with instance.uri argument
41 	@withProgress importReload,
42 	/// sent when dub is being upgraded before imports are being reloading
43 	/// sent with instance.uri argument
44 	@withProgress importUpgrades,
45 }
47 void reportProgress(Args...)(bool condition, ProgressType type, size_t step, size_t max, Args args)
48 {
49 	if (condition)
50 		reportProgress(type, step, max, args);
51 }
53 void reportProgress(Args...)(ProgressType type, size_t step, size_t max, Args args)
54 {
55 	double time = (MonoTime.currTime() - startupTime).total!"msecs" / 1000.0;
56 	if (max > 0)
57 		rpc.log(format!"[progress] [%09.3f] [%s] %d / %d: "(time, type, step, max), args);
58 	else if (step > 0)
59 		rpc.log(format!"[progress] [%09.3f] [%s] %d: "(time, type, step), args);
60 	else if (Args.length > 0)
61 		rpc.log(format!"[progress] [%09.3f] [%s]: "(time, type), args);
62 	else
63 		rpc.log(format!"[progress] [%09.3f] [%s]"(time, type));
64 }